Below are some of the common questions we get asked by residents and their families. Please take a look through to see if any questions you may have are answered below.
If you have a question or enquiry that it isn’t mentioned below, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us and we will do everything possible to answer your questions as quickly and throughly as possible.
You can get in contact through telephone, email or by filling in our contact form.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Our building is registered and inspected by the relevant regulatory bodies of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the local social care regulation body authority.
Everybody’s circumstances are different depending on your personal financial situation and the level of care you require. We will happily discuss, guide, support and ensure you have all the information you require. This will enable a smooth and hassle-free transition, where you have all the information up front if your loved one joins us.
Usually an assessment is required prior to admission by a hospital, district nurse or social worker who will establish the type of care required. You might be advised to look for an EMI (Elderly Mentally Infirm) bed this tends to be because your loved one’s mental health needs are greater than their nursing needs such as with a diagnosis of dementia. Sometimes residential care rather than Nursing care is required.
Any member of the admin or management team will support and guide you through the process. Every person’s situation is slightly different, therefore we encourage you to give us a ring or pop in and we can discuss your requirements.
It’s important that you “get that feeling” Michelle and her team at Orchard Manor actively encourage you to come and have a look around at any time of day, you will see the residents living here look well cared for and happy, the environment will be clean and welcoming, and the staff and residents will be happy to talk to you and answer any questions where possible. Look at or our CQC report to read the positive impact our care has on our residents.
Once you have moved your loved one into Orchard Manor you can take a breath of relief, as often the journey to get here has been challenging. Often there is still a need for your loved one to be assessed and meetings with social workers etc must be arranged, but what we want you to do at this time is allow us to help and accept this is a settling in period.
We have a person-centred care plan system which allows us to accurately record all care and interactions throughout the 24hrs cycle. You will see our staff using mobile a device, this is not a phone but the method of recording care.
There is a general structure to the day, however, our individual personalised care might mean some have breakfast later than others, prefer to get up later or retire to bed earlier. You will soon find what works for you and your loved one with regards to visiting. You are welcome to visit anytime, however if you need to visit after 9pm we ask you inform the staff. Please always sign in and out when visiting, this is for fire regulations.
There are key codes on most of our doors, we ask you are cautious when going through them in case our residents would like to come with you.
We encourage the bedrooms to be decorated with personal items, any pictures or furniture that will aid the familiar feeling for your loved one you are welcome to bring in. We have a maintenance team who are on hand to assist.
We do not hold money for residents on the premises and we ask if there are any antiques or items of great value, you do not bring them in as we cannot be held responsible for what might occur. If you feel items are of great value, please cover with personal insurance.
Everybody’s financial circumstances are different, and the funding element comes from many different sources. Often families need more personal advice and assistance. Michelle is available to give any advice you may need.
We try our best not to move any residents’ bedrooms once they are settled, however, there may be rare occasions that the need arises or somebody to transfer to a different unit should their needs deteriorate. if additional funding is required to meet their needs this will be discussed with you. Often a meeting is required with social services or continuing health care team.
We are happy to pay for any incidentals such as hairdresser, chiropodist, newspapers, etc. Which you will be billed for by our finance lady Emma. The invoice will be sent to you which you will be able to pay by visiting our reception or arranging a bank transfer.
Please do not leave money with you loved one as we cannot be held responsible or accountable should anything occur.